Davinci Blog


Must Have Tools For Online Startup Entrepreneurs

It doesn’t really matter if your startup is a traditional one, or if it is a business that exists entirely on the internet, running a startup is a very demanding job. As an entrepreneur trying to get your break this is definitely not new information to you. But on the bright side there are a lot of tools out there to make some aspects of the online startup entrepreneur gig a whole lot easier. 

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Empowering the Remote Workforce

The digital age is transforming how, when, and where work is performed. Organizations that insist on having their workforce in designated office settings from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. five days a week belong to a shrinking minority. Those that elect to do so find it is more difficult to recruit candidates, including top performers, and retain workers. They also struggle to achieve gender diversity (viz., worker mothers often find it more difficult to go to a physical office five days a week) and to retain and maintain engaged workers. 

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