Archives for March 2023

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Top 5 Cities to Start a Small Business in 2023

Starting a small business is a daunting task. From ideation to execution, there are multiple factors to consider before taking the plunge. One of the most critical decisions is where to set up shop. Choosing the right city can make or break a business, as it can impact everything from the cost of living to the availability of resources. 

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14 Business Tasks That Can (and Should) Be Automated

Automation has been a buzzword in the business world for quite some time now. With advances in technology, more and more tasks that were once done manually can now be automated. And it isn’t simply large enterprises that benefit from automation. Small businesses do as well. For example, Zapier found that 88% of small businesses indicate that automation allows them to compete with larger enterprises, reduce errors, and offer better customer experiences. 

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