
Keeping a Positive Mindset While Working at Home

According to Upwork, it’s estimated that 26.7% of Americans will be working at home through 2021. That’s largely due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But, some employers have decided to let their employees work remotely on a permanent basis. So, you mind find yourself looking at a completely new career environment. 

Working at home has its benefits. Some studies have shown it can even make you more productive. But, it also has its challenges. Some of those challenges can foster a negative attitude and perspective. 

If you truly want to get the most out of working from home, it’s important to stay positive and push away those negative thoughts. So, how can you do that while overcoming some of the common challenges of remote employment?

Managing Your Stress

Workplace stress can be a big problem, even from home. One survey found that 20% of work stress is caused by juggling a work-life balance. You might think that would be easier when working from home, but it can actually become more of a problem. 

Working remotely often allows for more flexibility. But, that can cause you to work strange hours, get distracted easily, and then feel overwhelmed. You might also feel like you always have to be “on” because you can be contacted by your employer at any time. 

Additionally, it’s not uncommon to feel stress from your environment. If your family members are around, you might feel guilty about not spending time with them, or they could be a distraction. Thinking about your household chores, errands you need to run, and things to check off your list can add to your stress levels, too. 

Thankfully, there are a few simple tips you can put into practice to manage your stress, including:

● Creating a daily routine

● Setting specific working hours

● Adhering to work and home boundaries

● Rewarding yourself

● Taking breaks

● Exercising

● Maintaining a healthy lifestyle

● Getting enough sleep

There’s no denying that working from home is different from heading into an office. But, if you start to think of it that way, you’re less likely to fall into some of the stressful pitfalls that will overwhelm you.

Making a Space

In addition to setting specific working hours, you should also have a dedicated workspace. Working in your living room in front of the television all day can be distracting and uninspiring. Ultimately, it can end up putting you in a bad mood that keeps you from doing your job effectively. 

Having a separate room to use as your office should be a priority. You can set it up in a way that inspires and boosts your creativity. Use color psychology to paint it a productive hue, and add decorations and accents that make you feel comfortable and happy. 

If you don’t have an entire room to dedicate, that’s okay. There are plenty of options for a dedicated office space, even in smaller homes. Consider some of the following ideas: 

● The kitchen table

● Under the stairs

● Putting a desk behind your sofa

● An empty closet

Ideally, your office should be a place that makes you feel good and productive. There’s really no “wrong” space to consider as long as you have the room. But, be careful if you want to dedicate a corner of your bedroom to your home office. Working in the same area that you sleep in can fuel depression and tempt you to crawl into bed at any given time. It could also mess up your natural circadian rhythms. Your mind and body should associate your bedroom with sleeping. When you start to work there, your “internal clock” can get confused. You might start to feel tired during the day and have trouble sleeping at night. 

So, while almost any distraction-free zone can be used for your office, think about the pros and cons of each choice carefully. 

Practicing Self-Care

Self-care is just as important when you’re working at home as it is when you’re in an office setting. It’s one of the best ways to ward off stress and stay positive each day. Taking care of yourself will also help to prevent burnout, which can have a huge effect on your mindset. 

Self-care doesn’t have to involve anything extreme or lavish. It could be something as simple as writing in a journal each day or cooking a leisurely lunch. Other ideas include meditating, exercising, writing down five things you’re grateful for, or catching up with a friend over a cup of coffee. 

It’s easy to forget about self-care at home because you might already be comfortable. But, there’s a difference between comfort and care. 

Make taking care of yourself a priority each day. Your mind and body will thank you, you’ll have a better perspective on your workload, and you can stay positive every day. All of these ideas will allow you to have the best perspective while working from home. Make sure you’re putting them into practice as you get used to a “new normal,” and you can enjoy more positivity in your career and your life.


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